PLEASE NOTE! We would like to point out politely that our telephone lines are (still) down. Therefore, please always send your enquiries to us by email. We ask for a little patience while we answer them. You will definitely receive an answer.

Site notice


SieBroTec GmbH


SieBroTec GmbH
Dubenhorst 27
25474 Ellerbek


+49 (0) 4101 - 839 280 0


+49 (0) 4101 - 80 48 606



Represented by the managing director

Florian Sievers & Sebastian Sievers

Responsible for content

Florian Sievers & Sebastian Sievers

Commercial Register

Local Court of Pinneberg

Registration number

B 9615

VAT registration no.

DE 814 883 941

Legal Notice

No liability shall be accepted for correctness, completeness and topicality of the data. Liability, especially for potential damage or consequences which arise from the utilisation of the offer, shall be excluded. SieBroTec GmbH shall not be responsible for the contents of the webpages, to which links refer to directly or indirectly.

The criminal and civil responsibility shall be with the respective seller.


SieBroTec GmbH reserves the right to carry out updates, modification and/or additions to the information and data presented without announcement. The layout as well as the texts and graphics / images of all pages of are subject to the copyright of SieBroTec GmbH. Banana® is a legally registered trademark of SieBroTec GmbH of Hamburg, Germany.

No information or data, in particular texts, parts of texts or image material, may be used without the prior written approval of the manufacturer.


Please refer to the privacy guidelines here.

This site notice shall apply to our company appearance on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

© by SieBroTec GmbH

All information is not binding, because technical and equipment changes are expressly reserved. By design small deviations are possible.